Dogwoods are both the official state flower and the official state tree of Virginia, and with so many varieties, it's easy to get confused. Here we breakdown common varieties, care tips, and how to choose the best Dogwood for your yard.

Dogwood Trees will add to your enjoyment of your home's landscape with their attractive flowers, fall color, and great compact shape. Betty’s highly recommends you add these affordable flowering trees to your landscape.

pink cherry blossom in close up photography

What Growing Conditions do Dogwoods Like?

Dogwoods are available for most planting zones in the United States. White Dogwoods, Pink and Red, plus the Kousas (Chinese) , Red Cloud, and Cloud 9 Dogwoods all prefer a warm climate and will do well locally. In wild surroundings flowering dogwoods flourish in moist, shady areas of rich soil. In our suburban landscaping settings, dogwoods generally tolerate a range of soil conditions and both full sun and shade. What dogwoods don’t tolerate well are dry conditions. It is important to ensure that soil is moist and trees are not planted too close to areas that will increase temperatures, such as the walls of buildings.

 When Should I Transplant Dogwood Trees?

Balled and burlapped dogwood trees should be transplanted in late fall or early spring. Container-grown trees can be transplanted anytime of the year, provided they are watered regularly after planting. Do not place soil directly over the top of the root ball, as this should be left slightly above ground level.

 How Should I Care for Dogwood Trees?

It is acceptable to apply a layer of mulch to help conserve water; however do not pile the mulch up against the trunk. A generous layer of mulch will help retain moisture and minimize watering chores. Be sure to water the tree thoroughly after planting and on a regular basis until established.

Most dogwoods require supplemental water during summer and fall, especially during hot, dry spells.

To fertilize young dogwoods, use a slow-release fertilizer in the spring and especially in the fall. Betty’s recommends Agriform, a slow-release, non-burning fertilizer that can be placed against the root ball during planting and will not burn the roots.

 What Dogwoods are Available at Betty's?

Betty’s offers a rainbow of dogwoods—25 varieties in different colors, sizes and bloom dates. Our inventory ranges from Eastern White Dogwoods, most recognizable to folks around here, to beautiful hybrids with variegated foliage and pink or red blooms.


Come to Betty’s to browse through our lovely dogwood trees and pick up a Dogwood Care Sheet while here.