Save Big with Juniors!
Betty’s Juniors is a program that enables us to sell hundreds of items throughout the nursery at lower prices. These items include basic plants and products that are sale-priced every day. We call them “Juniors” because the price is small!
Juniors pricing includes many common and popular plants in popular sizes. We offer more than 100 different species of plants for purchase at Juniors prices.
Betty's Juniors covers many of the most-respected names in gardening: Bayer, Holly-Tone, Osmocote, and Speed Zone; and tools by Ames, Corona, and Felco. We save you money in our turf department on brand-name products like Greenview, Turf Trust, and Milorganite. Alongside these recognized brands, we offer our own specially-formulated lawn products like Show Turf, Betty’s Ultimate, Minor Miracle and Preferential Treatment. Our complete line of Betty’s Azalea Ranch B.A.R. grass seed carries the Juniors price.
Our substantial range of mulch, soil, and bagged stone is available at Juniors prices. Our exclusive soil conditioners, "Clay Cutter" and "Sweet Earth", along with McGill's Soil Builder are offered at Juniors savings.
Due to the nature of the Betty's Juniors program, any additional sales or special offers do not apply unless specifically noted.
** Betty's Juniors prices are cash-and-carry. These prices do not apply to installations. **

12507 Route 29, VA 22030